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JP Morgan

JP Morgan

Show Times

Timezone: EDT [UTC-4]
9:00 pm - 12:00 am
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About the Show

People have forever asked me: ‘are you JP Morgan’? To which I respond….duh….yeah! LOL

Having lived in New England, the mid-South, deep South, and upper midwest, I’ve been a radio personality for virtually every imaginable format from Country and Top 40 to talk radio, with the exception of Urban (but that makes sense since this white boy can’t jump!). I grew up with a passion for radio, walking up steep hills miles from home to go visit the radio station in the town where I was raised. And for more than twenty-five years I have honed my broadcast skills to include, but not limited to, programming, production, music scheduling, social media, meeting the public and advertisers, and being on the air.
I have always had an innate ability to come up with solutions to what I viewed as ‘problems, such as when the Top 40 station I was working at arbitrarily decided to change the format to Country, at which point I continued to work at the country but went to a leading station about an hour away and was hired on the spot to work their Top 40 format…in fact, I was told “you’re on the air in thirty minutes” at a HUGE station where I had never been (truth is, the program director and their staff listened to my show to steal ideas! LOL).
 As a loyal team player who believes that actions speak louder than words and if you make a promise, you’re obligated to keep it, I believe in honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness, including respectfully kicking the butt of those in the way without projecting ego…I guess that means I can be playfully competitive yet fun!
So my promise to you is that I will play the absolute best mix of music every time I am on the air, mixed with some humor, fact, and pertinent information… so listen on!

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